Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Following a 3 month hiatus (during which I discovered pork egg foo yung, and decided that I should limit myself to one fat and cholesterol-ridden mound of delicious pork, egg, and gravy per year), I have decided to return to the "blogosphere". I still can't believe that is a real word.

The Unfortunate
Can an inanimate form of punctuation succeed at accomplishing a task for its own well-being? I don't think so, unless this "question mark" refers to one's own conflicts or decisions in life. Even so, how does a conflict succeed? This is most likely a case of the typist having absolutely no common knowledge about the functionality of the English language. I'd like to apply for the position of "Assistant to the (thank you Rainn Wilson) fortune editor" to make sure this doesn't happen again. On second thought, I'm not willing to sacrifice the reputation of my blog for a dead-end job!

The Fortunate
On the topic of punctuation, the typist could have left out a period himself! Here's the scenario (work with me here): I have three friends (hypothetically), Mark Smith, Mark Jones, and Mark Steinberg (its good to have some fellow Jew friends). All three of these men are climbing a mountain using only their noses and knees (in a hypothetical situation, anything is possible!). I ask myself, "Are all of them going to make it to the top?" Luckily, a member of the NKMCA (Nose and Knees Mountain Climbing Association) was next to me and blurted out to me "Your present question? Marks are going to succeed!" Ooooooor maybe they all just finished eating peaches, and needed to "suck seed" in order to get the very last tiny peach pieces out. There's no use letting all that extra peach go to waste...


Don't Forget!
I am only lucky enough to be presented with so many unfortunate cookies. If you or anybody you know has one that you'd like to submit, send a picture to:

You will not be disappointed when my words of wisdom (ha...) let you know what your fortune really means.

1 comment:

  1. "The Fortunate" of this one actually gave me some good ol' side splitting laughter. You're so punny!
