Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I haven't blogged this much since my LiveJournal of '05! Don't worry, reading about fortune typos is a whole lot more entertaining than reading about a 16-year-old's problems.

The Unfortunate
When I was about yea high, I had way more trouble spelling "failure" than "least". However, if the fortune spelled "least" correctly, and began with "failiure," it would not be nearly as amusing (You don't know how hard it is to resist correcting the spelling of that word seeing the automated red squigglies underneath it).
B-T-Dubs, this fortune is already a well known inspirational quote. Seriously typist, what a cop out. You might as well have written "May the force be with you." Actually, that would've been amazing.

The Fortunate
I don't know many people who lease cars. If you REALLY need to have a new car, then buy one that can get you from point A to point B, and be happy with it! In my opinion, the same goes for persistence. In order to get what you want in life, you need to be persistently persistent. If you want to learn how to play guitar, get a job, or try to get your blog noticed by more than just your friends, the people that only LEASE persistence will end up down the road to failure. Try buying next time.

Side thought: My mom has two sisters who argue all the time. They both have valid points, but no matter how much they try to persuade the other that they're right, they stand by their ideals. If you want to rent them out for a couple of months, just let me know that you are interested in leasing persist-aunts.

1 comment:

  1. my friend named Lee had a handbag that wasn't made of insects....lee's purse isn't ants!
